What an Amazing God, My Lord Jesus Christ is!

My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is an amazing God. I love that I get to serve him every day and just watch what he is doing in my life. Recently, I had a new job opportunity come together in a perfect way. I have learned over the years that if something just falls into place perfectly and without any problems, it did not happen because of anything I did. It was all entirely God.

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (ESV) Often times I find that when I delight in the Lord I am not wanting my own will to be done but that of the Lords. If the desire of my heart is for the Lords will to be done, then he will grant the desires of my heart. I also believe that when we follow him faithfully that the things we long to do for His kingdom will come into being. That is not to say that God is some magical genie that grants you every wish you desire. Because that is not the case at all. There are times where my will and God’s will have not lined up and my heart was crushed because I did not understand why I did not get what I wanted. Simply put, whatever it had been was not in God’s plan for my life.

This year has been rough as far as teaching goes and honestly it has been the roughest I have ever had to deal with. There were so many factors that teachers everywhere had to deal with in and outside of the classroom. I was burnt out before the school year ever started and I knew I needed a change. I began to pray in October when I didn’t know how I could continue on that God would give me the strength to make it through the school year. I also began to pray for the change that I knew I desperately needed. I prayed for some change for a position outside of teaching but within education and that the Lord would be enteirly involved in the process.

There is a song by Sara Reeves titled “Just Want You.” The first set of lyrics are below.

“Take the lead of every step I make
Even if You tell my feet to wait
‘Cause where You are is where I wanna be
The depth of me is calling for the deep

I don’t want it if You’re not in it
I just want You
No, I don’t want it if You’re not in it
I just want You

Your heart, Your ways
Show me Your face
Your song and Your voice
Break through the noise”

“Just Want You” by Sara Reeves

This was a song that really resonated with me during this school year. I knew I wanted change and I was willing to step out in faith to see this change happen however, I was not willing to go somewhere, where God was not. If I was to move jobs or have something else change in my life, I did not want it unless God was in it. I wanted this change or at least the strength to continue when I was already so burnt out but I wanted the Lord’s will more than anything else.

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, right before he was arrested and taken to be crucified, prayed to his Father that the cup that he was given to pass over him. He prayed for there to be another way for our sins to be forgiven so that he would not have to go through the pain he knew he was about to face. Think about that?

The Savior of the World asked God for another way.

He was fully God and yet he was fully man! He knew he was going to die and he knew it would be an agonizing death. He didn’t want to face it but He knew God’s will. He may have prayed for there to be another way to save you and I from certain death but He also prayed for God’s will to be done.

39 And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”

Matthew 26:39 (NASB)

Ultimately, Jesus bowed to the will of the Father, died for our sins and rose on the 3rd day so that we did not have to face an eternaity in hell seperated from God. And I rejoice that he did.

. I prayed the way Jesus prayed. For change but also for God’s will to be done. For me, I found that God’s will lined up with the desire of my heart to move out of teaching. So in the fall I will be an Instructional Coach, helping and coaching teachers. I am looking forward to this new chapter in my professional career. I also know that I am blessed beyond all measure and I know it is because of Jesus.

Do you know him? Like really know him?

I pray that if you do not, then someone in your life would reach out to you and lead you to Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit would open your heart and eyes so that you could see Christ for the Amazing Lord that He is.

West Main Arts Fest is May 14th! Come find me and I’d be glad to tell you more about the amazing God that I serve.

Until Next time,

God bless.